The Fr. Gerry Roche Memorial

Unveiling of Fr. Gerry’s Memorial

On Sunday last there was a mixture of emotions as the unveiling ceremony for the Fr. Gerry Roche memorial took place. Of course there was sadness and a sense of loss but, there was also great joy in the memory of a man who lived life to the full and enjoyed music, singing and dancing. It was fitting then that the day was filled with prayer, remembrance and musical celebration, just as he would have liked it. Both at the church and the hall afterwards, many tributes were payed to one of our own, an Athea man to the back bone but a man who made the world his parish. Inside, Pat and Kathleen comment on Sunday’s events. Well done to everyone involved – a truly memorable occasion

Athea & District Credit  Union

The A.G.M. will take place on this Friday night December 16th in the Credit Union offices at 7.30pm. Everybody is invited to attend.