Sincere congratulations are extended to Carol O’Connor who celebrated her 40th Birthday on Saturday night last at The Devon Inn Hotel along with her family, relatives and friends. A great night was enjoyed by everyone.
Congratulations and good wishes are also sent to Mary Mullane, Templeathea who on Friday last was married to Donal Foley of Broadford in Fossa Church in Killarney. The nuptial ceremony was performed by Fr Denis Mullane – Mary’s brother. A great day was enjoyed by everyone at The Brehon Hotel.
On Sunday December 11th the unveiling ceremony of Fr. Gerry Roche’s Memorial will take place in the Church grounds of Athea Church following a special 2nd Anniversary Mass at 2pm. Following the unveiling everyone is invited down to the Hall for refreshments and a bit of music, which we all know Gerry loved so much. Everyone is welcome to the Mass, the unveiling ceremony and the hall afterwards. It will be a ‘fitting memorial’ for a man who died a ‘true martyr’.
A reminder to all young people from 5th class upwards, teenagers and parents alike that the all important talk by ‘Aislinn’ from Kilkenny will take place here in the hall on this Thursday night at 7.30pm. The speakers will talk of the dangers of drugs, drink and gambling and young people will also share their stories on the night. The talk will also benefit adults who especially at this time may be under stress, feeling lonely, anxious or grieving – so there will be something for everyone. It’s an ‘open free invitation to all’.
Congratulations to Mary and Denis Barrett, Templeathea who celebrated 40 years of wedded bliss last week along with their family. Here’s to the next ’10’ and the “Big 50”.
As I write these lines this Monday night the rain is lashing outside – however we’re not doing too bad considering this time last year the schools were closed with the awful icy conditions we had, and with only 4 weeks to Christmas hopefully if we do get frost and snow it will be over the holiday period.
Kay McDonnell (nee Normoyle) has her new book “The Matter of Life” for sale at Brouder’s Shop, Mullanes, Knockdown and Sonas Health Food Shop Newcastle West. A nice present for someone for Christmas.