‘The Fun of the Fair’ Johnny Mullane, centre, regaling the boys, no doubt, with some funny stories at the Fair on Saturday last More

Athea Fair Day 

The Fair Day was a fantastic success this year with large crowds in the village from early morning. No doubt the good weather contributed to its success as the stallholders and crowds had no worries about wind or rain.  There was a great atmosphere with plenty of banter going on among the buyers and sellers.     (Pictures on centre pages…..)


Community Hall Concert  

This very successful show will be staged again this Sunday night, November 13th at the earlier time of 7.30pm and again the following Sunday 20th. See centre pages for more details…..



The Wrenboys are Coming


Athea’s contribution to Trad for Trócaire takes place on Saturday, November 12th. when the local Comhaltas branch combines with Athea Wrenboys to collect funds in the village. All the local hostelries will be visited during the course of the evening finishing up with a mighty session at Brown Joe’s.


Going Strong

The next session will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 16th at the Top of the Town from 3-6pm

The annual Church gate collection will take place on November 19th & 20th at all Masses. Your support would be appreciated.


West Limerick Resources


Volunteers are required for a new phone service for older people in West Limerick which will begin shortly. Based in Abbeyfeale, the free service will be offered to older people who subscribe to receive a phone call at least once a week where the Operator would check-in with them to ensure everything was alright.  Volunteers will be asked to commit to no more than two to three hours per month and will receive training before starting (16 hours over four sessions). For more details, contact Ed on 087 329 0483 or 068 32444.


The Abbeyfeale Men’s group will meet on Monday November 14th at 8pm in St. Ita’s hall to discuss upcoming classes and events.  The group will continue to meet each Monday night thereafter.  All are welcome.  Ring Denis at 087 6497671 or Connor at 087 6225881


The Crafty Corner Group will continue to meet as a group on Wednesday nights (previously held on Tuesdays) from 7:30pm – 9pm in the WLR office in the Square, Abbeyfeale. Learn skills in knitting, sewing, crochet or other crafts.  For queries contact Nora on 068 32444.


A Sewing Skills & Clothes making course will take place 3 mornings per week in Abbeyfeale ( Wednesday to Friday) and will run up until Christmas. Supported by West Limerick Resources and the VEC. Contact Dearbhla at 068 32444 or Irene at 069 62298 for information.


The ‘IT and Health Information’ classes which were due to start in Tournafulla on October 5th had to be postponed. We apologise to those who turned up on the day, we are still recruiting people for the programme and hope to have the classes begin in the next couple of weeks. We will be in touch to confirm a start time with those who did register. Thank you for your patience. If there are others who wish to register for these free computers classes, please contact Dearbhla or Nora on 068 32444


Rainbows volunteers are reminded that a meeting for the autumn programme is scheduled for Thursday November 3rd in the Abbeyfeale WLR office @ 7pm All volunteers are kindly asked to attend. Facilitators who have any materials from the earlier programme are asked to bring them to the meeting. Rainbows is a peer support programme for children aged 4yrs – 12yrs grieving a death or separation. If you would like more information please contact Mary or Dearbhla in the office, The Square, Abbeyfeale on 068 32444 or call in for an application form. If you have an application form completed but not yet returned please do so as soon as possible.


Classes will resume shortly.  Limited places still available to those from the Mountcollins area.  All costs for the course are free (tutor, hall rental etc) except for material costs which should be no more than €25 for the ten week programme. To register call 068 32444 or 087 329 0483.


West Limerick Resources Office in Abbeyfeale provides a comprehensive range of information on supports & services in the West Limerick area; we also provide Citizen’s Information support, access to the Rural Employment Service, FAS Jobs Club and West Limerick Resources supports. Please call in or phone us in confidence on 068 32444.


Athea Community Hall

Fundraising Concert 


Our fundraising concert, so far, has been an enormous success, with packed houses on each night.  We have decided to go ahead and organise another two showings of the concert on November 13th and 20th at the Memorial Hall Athea at 8pm to cater for the large amount of people that were turned away due to full houses and those who never got the chance to come see it after hearing about it.

This giant concert features the best of local talent drawn from Athea Church Choir, Athea Drama Group, Athea Wren Boys, Youth Club, Irish Dancers, Glórach players and many more from Athea never before on stage. Some comedy acts will leave the audience rolling on the floor with laughter…..and that’s guaranteed!

Please come along, spread the word, bring a friend and support our community hall as we endeavour to pay off the outstanding loan on the hall for once and for all.

A raffle will also take place on each night. Children welcome. A night not to be missed!!!!