by Peg Prendeville

Sympathies are extended to Tom Sampson, who had the lease of the Knockdown Arms for a while, on the death of his brother John in Galbally at the weekend. Tom was liked by all while he worked in Knockdown. He is now working in New Zealand.

There was a great night in Knockdown on Friday night last for the annual Killeany Social. Congratulations to Players of the Year – Gary Kelly & Aisling Brouder. Clubman of the Year was Joe Harrison and Supporters of the Year were Conor & Grace Fitzgerald. Well done to all. Killeaney wishes to thank all the local businesses who gave raffle prizes and to thank everybody who supported the event.

Glin Library has a little art exhibition and photographs by Maurice Reidy, Killeaney on display at the moment which shows Maurice’s great talent. Maurice is son of John and Mary. There is a painting by Mai Ellis Liston, Athea on display also.

Call during opening hours: Tues and Thurs 11 to 2 and 6 to 8. Wed and Fri 11 to 2 and 3 to 5.

The AGM of the Ballyhahill Parish Hall committee was held recently. Present were Mary O’Brien,  Michael Kearney, John Reidy, Neilie Clifford, Peg Prendeville, Helen Hayes, Deirdre Ambrose, Majella O’Connor and Eileen O’Connell. Officers were elected as follows: Chairperson: Mary O’Brien. Secretary: Peg Prendeville. Treasurers: Majella O’Connor & Deirdre Ambrose. Project Officers: Michael Kearney & John Reidy. Committee members. Helen Hayes, Eileen O’Connell and caretaker Neilie Clifford. The committee was pleased to receive many compliments on the pleasant atmosphere and cleanliness of the place during the recent removal of Paddy Faley. The Hall is there for all the community as well as local clubs. Contact any of the above members. Fees from the clubs will be due in January and will be appreciated. It is these fees together with any profits from the Parish Annual that pay the heating and lighting bills. The maintaining and cleaning is done voluntarily. Preparations for the Loughill/BallyhahillParish Annual of 2012 will have to begin immediately after Christmas so that it will be ready for Easter which is early in April 2012. So you are asked to be thinking of ideas for articles and be putting photographs aside for the project now please. Thanks to all who supported Parish Annual 2011 by contributing to it and/or by buying it.

In the meantime we look forward to reading both the Athea Journal and the Ballyguiltenane rural Journal. It makes me realise how near we are to Christmas!