by Kethleen Mullane


‘Out and About’


Now that the colder, darker evenings are setting in and one is reminded that Christmas is only 12 weeks away there is always something interesting going on to while away the winter evenings.

On Friday October 14th Gerard Barrett (whose mother Peggy comes from Knocknagorna) sees the premier of his new full length film “Pilgrim Hill” having its first showing at the Tinteán Theatre in Ballybunion, starting at 8pm. It highlights the life of a bachelor farmer and his struggle in rural Ireland. Following Gerard’s Success with “The Valleys of Knockanure” this is his 1st full length film. It is shot on location in Athea, Brosna and Ballylongford and is hosted by Fr Pat Moore. All welcome on the night – entrance is just €10.

On Monday night October 10th if you are an active retired person you can go along to Knockanure Community Centre where they are having their Social Day – with an abundance of music and dance and of course a lovely meal. On the day there will be Personal Alarms on display at the centre. Further details can be had from Mary on 087-7528626 or the office on 068-49799.

On Wednesday nights ‘ZUMBA’ dance classes are taking place here in the Colbert Hall. A great crowd attended last week’s session from 9-10pm. everyone is welcome to come along on the night and you can pay nightly ZUMBA is fun, fitness and it’s for everyone. 

If you don’t fancy “dancing” you can join the newly organised Basketball team which meet in the hall on Thursday nights. Further details from Trish on 087-6591655.

This Wednesday night sees the AGM of Athea Drama Group at 8pm in the hall. Again another great activity to get involved in ‘drama’ – and take to the stage, gaining confidence etc.

On Monday nights Josephine O’Connor has adult dancing classes at The Gables for those who enjoy ‘The Irish Element’ of dancing. A great way of keeping the bones and muscles intact.

Our hall incidentally could be used for lots more activities, if you have any ideas on what people may enjoy  we would be glad to hear about it , at the moment going on there is Bingo, Basketball, Indoor-soccer, Drama, Irish Dancing, Playgroup and Zumba dancing. Other halls have talks on Gardening, Cooking, Skin-Care, your entitlements and much more – so give us your thoughts.

Sympathy is extended to the McAuliffe family of Toureen on the recent death of Jackie.