by Kathleen Mullane


Firstly to sympathise with a few families this weekend who have lost loved ones. Two lovely ladies were flown home from England this week to be buried on native soil. Firstly Teresa (Joan) Stack, who had spent all her life as a nurse in England and came from The Hill in Park, was laid to rest on Saturday in Holy Cross. Anne O’Mahony, wife of the late Denny, was also brought home to Athea for burial. Anne had retired to Athea years ago with her late husband and returned to England after his death where she spent her final days. Anne was buried also in Holy Cross on Sunday.

Sympathy is extended to Roger Ryan of Lower Rd, Athea on the death of his mother over the weekend in Carlow. She was the mother of a large family and will be sadly missed.

The ‘Fun Day’ organised by Athea GAA was cancelled on Sunday last as a mark of respect to Roger’s family. ‘May they all rest in peace.

Incidentally the ‘Fun Day’ will now take place on Sunday next October 2nd at 2pm at Pairc na nGael, of course weather permitting. So moms and dads bring along the kids and take part in all the various activities, races, games etc. There will be spot prizes on the day, teas, refreshments etc – so please support the hall fund raiser.

We are winding up the scrap collection, however, a smaller skip will be available to throw any bits into in the future as no doubt there will always be something lying about. The fund-raising concert will take place on Sunday 16th and on Sat & Sun. 22nd and 23rd October and promises to be brilliant – keep these dates free

This weekend before all Masses the annual collection for Athea N.S. will be taken up. Even though you may presently not have any children attending the school – you may have grandchildren attending or indeed you may at some stage have attended yourself. Athea N.S. is second to none in the locality with so much at hand for the kids – a computer room, a kitchen for cooking classes, football pitch, running track, pre-school and much more – so please give as generously as you can.

Sincere congrats go to Chris Brouder and Teddy O’Connor of Athea who were married on Saturday last here in Athea by Fr. Eamon Fitzgibbon. A great day was enjoyed by everyone at The Devon Inn Hotel. Wishing them both the very best for the future.

‘Zumba’ dance classes start here in the hall on this Wednesday night from 9-10pm. You can just come along on the night and pay or you can give your name to Carol O’Connor at the hall.