By Peg Prendeville

Bon Voyage and the best of luck to Johnny Flavin, Glenagragra and Louise Shanahan who are off to join many others from the area in Australia this week. A large gathering of his family and friends had a party for him in Brown Joes last weekend.

Happy birthday to Carol Noonan who is celebrating a BIG one this week. Enjoy the experience of entering a new decade Carol!

A Barn Dance will be held on this Saturday 13thAugust in Kilmeedy, Co. Limerick. This charity fundraiser is in aid of St.Gabriel’s School & Centre hydrotherapy pool fund.Best wishes to Michelle (formerly O’Brien, Scairt) and her husband Niall who, with some friends, have organised the event and are providing the barn! 600 tickets have been sold so it promises to be a real good night. No good going though, unless you have already purchased a ticket.


If Gay Byrne consents to run for President I reckon the other contenders might as well bow out as he is a sure winner. But that is only my humble opinion.