by Peg Prendeville

I have great news! Mullanes TOP Knockdown is opening this Thursday. We wish the very best of luck to Ta and Ita as they re-open their newly renovated shop and petrol/diesel pumps. This should bring back life to the whole area as it was always very lonely to see the empty shop and closed doors.


Next Sunday July 17th promises to be very exciting in Knockdown when the newly formed Knockdown Vintage Club and the Killeaney AFC join forces to host a day for all the family. Starting at noon there will be a display of the old threshing machine as well as a farrier display. Added to that will be art and craft stalls, farmer’s market, bottle stall, home baking, car boot, Pitch for Shane, BBQ and novelty sports events including tug of war and sheaf tossing. There is something for everybody. To round it all off Big Maggie and Ivan will be playing in the Knockdown Arms from 5 pm. For more information or if you wish to book a stall contact Jim on 087 2077043.


The Ballyhahill/Loughill ICA members will be manning a stall at the Family Fun Day in Knockdown on Sunday next where they will be selling tea/coffee and nice things to eat! On Tuesday July 19th some of the members will be displaying their arts and crafts at the Limerick Federation ICA exhibition in Newcastle West library which is being officially opened on that afternoon at 3 pm.


Glin ICA is organising a day out visiting Farmleigh in Dublin on August 11th followed by a shopping stop in Kildare Village on the way home. This is open to all, men, women or children. Anyone interested should contact Grace Holly at 068 34297.