Athea Utd will hold its Annual General Meeting on this coming Saturday night, June 25th in The Memorial Hall at 8.15pm and all are welcome.
Athea Outing
The annual Athea Outing takes place on Wednesday July 13th to Cork. The fare is €25 which includes breakfast. Money to be paid by July 1st please. Further details can be had from – Marie Wrenn at 087-7674832 or 068-42524. Joan Fitzgibbon at 087- 9865005.
Mangerton Climb
All climbing enthusiasts are invited to climb Mangerton on Sunday, June 26th in aid of Athea Colbert Community Hall. This will be a fun family day out and sponsorship cards are available. A bus will leave Athea at 8.30 a.m. on the morning so if you want to avail of this please call Kathleen on 087-1233361.