by Peg Prendeville
There will be a Church Gate Collection next weekend May 21/22 in aid of the local Gerald Griffin’s Ladies football team. All support appreciated I am sure. The girls and the whole county team brought great excitement last year when they won the All Ireland Junior Cup so they deserve something from us.
Plans are being made weekly for the upcoming Vintage/Fun Day in Knockdown on July 17 so make sure to mark your calendars for that date. A fundraising night will be held in Knockdown with music by Big Maggie on Sunday 5th of June – bank holiday weekend.
It is almost up to summer holiday time for the 2nd level students, who are wondering how they will pass the three months and who are finding it very difficult this year to secure summer work. Hopefully they will find something worthwhile and challenging. In the meantime it is the season of First Holy Communions. The pupils of Scoil Naomh Mhuire, Ballyhahill will be receiving it on Saturday next and we hope they all have a happy day and that they remain safe in their celebrations afterwards. There was nothing so heartbreaking as hearing of the little girl in Waterford who died from a fall off a bouncing castle last weekend.
Congratulations to those students from Tarbert Comprehensive school who have been nominated for awards at the Awards night this Thursday. The annual school magazine will be on sale that night also.
The folklore collections (1937-38) for the National schools are held on microfilm and are available for consultation at the Limerick Studies Department, Lissanalta House, Dooradoyle Road, Limerick. This study which was done in all school in 1937/38 is very interesting and contain a lot of local folklore. During the week I was looking through the Ballyguiltenane school collection and it is lovely to see the real neat handwriting of every pupil and to recognize the names like, John Higgins, Glasha, The Lynch’s from Drumrisk, John Mulvihill, Scairt. They contain lots of stories, some poems and songs and even some prayers. Worth checking out some time. They can be seen in the main libraries like Newcastle West and of course in HQ in Dooradoyle.
This week our attention will be taken up with the visit of Queen Elizabeth followed by President Obama. The eyes of the world are on us! We wish them both happy memories of our lovely country and hope they will go home safely.