by Kathleen Mullane
“Keep the Scrap Coming”
Well Easter is over for yet another year and what a glorious two weeks of great weather all the schoolchildren and those on holidays got. An amount of turf has been sliced, turned and even footed in some cases. The farmers are ahead of their work and as I write these few lines it’s pouring outside this Monday evening, it’s strange to see the rain after so long. The sunshine “put a smile on everybody’s face” – the kids are going around with freckles all over and glowing with tanned skins – no doubt it will benefit them all for the winter months. Let’s hope we will get more of it in the not too distant future! As the schools re-open tomorrow after the break, there are only a few short weeks left to the summer holidays and even shorter to Leaving and Junior Cert exams – as they say “Tempus Fugit” – “Time Flies”.
On this Wednesday night May 4th there is an important meeting of the Community Games at 8pm in Athea National School to discuss the forthcoming sports day. As many as possible are asked to attend. Limerick is this year’s “EUROPEAN CITY OF SPORT” and it’s imperative that every town in the county hold an athletic/sports day.
On this Wednesday night at 8pm there will be a meeting of the Colbert Hall fundraising committee in the kitchen. All members are asked to attend. The enthusiasm and generosity of parishioners and indeed people outside the parish, for our ‘SCRAP FUND RAISER’ has been incredible to say the least. Our heap is getting bigger by the day, and hopefully in the near future we will have it taken away by scrap dealers and we will inform you what it raised for the Hall debt.
To those of you who have rang us to collect your bits and pieces we will get around to you eventually, just hold onto it for us and to those of you who have brought your own- we thank you sincerely.
We could do with more volunteers to maybe collect for us , even people with car trailers, as those few collecting at the moment, are doing “TROJAN WORK” to say the least, lifting heavy iron, metal etc,. All of us are not doing it for the fun of it but it’s the obligation of Athea as a “COMMUNITY” to get behind this once off “GIGANTIC SCRAP FUNDRAISER” to lessen the debt on the hall which belongs to all of us. It will be there for your children and your grandchildren, so keep up the good work. Anymore scrap you need collected ring us on these numbers:
John – 087-6217999, Mike – 087-1310023, Kathleen – 087-1233361 Caroline – 087-6643307.