by Peg Prendeville
It is lovely to hear the cuckoo back again – a sure sign that summer is on the way. Even though the sun went on hide for Easter Sunday morning it is still very pleasant weather and hopefully will last for a while.
The newly formed Knockdown Vintage Club is holding a meeting on this Friday night in the Knockdown Arms to make more plans for the Vintage/Fun Day on July 17.
The Loughill/Ballyhahill Parish Annual is now on sale (€10) at local shops – Collins’ in Athea, Stevo’s in Carrigkerry, O’Rourke’s in Ballyhahill, Mullanes, Hogans and Adams in Glin. Hopefully the Knockdown Shop will be re-opening very soon and they will be on sale there also. Your support (and feedback) will be greatly appreciated. If anyone wishes to have a copy posted to them please let me know.
A Pitch for Shane
The 3rd anniversary of Shane Geoghegan, who was shot in Limerick by feuding gangland members in a case of mistaken identity, occurs on 9/11/2011. To mark his passing it is proposed to invite anyone who wants to live in a safe society to make a little terracotta clay figure. All figures will stand shoulder to shoulder to create a terracotta team which will be on display in a public place in Limerick in September. A minimum of 10,000 figures is required to fill a space twenty feet by thirty feet, including a walkway around the pitch. As Limerick is the European City of Sport in 2011 it was considered that a pitch for Shane would be a fitting tribute, not only to Shane, but to the sporting and cultural ethos of Limerick. The Ballyhahill/Loughill ICA members are having a night in the Parish Hall in Ballyhahill on May 10th at 8.30 pm where everyone is invited to help them make some terracotta figures. They are only about 4 inches high. Margaret from the Pitch for Shane team will supply the clay and help needed. It will be a night of fun and is open to all who want to make a figure to join the “team”. If anyone is interested in coming to this event in the Parish Hall please inform secretary Pauline Sharp at 069 82255 so that the guild will have an idea of numbers attending. Thank you. There is no admission charge.
Now that Lent is over Fr O’Leary wishes to remind you to return your Trócaire boxes as soon as possible please. Put into the baskets at the weekend Masses. Thank you.