By Kathleen Mullane

‘Happy Mothers Day’

Well this Sunday being ‘Mother’s Day’ and indeed all mothers should have the “whole weekend” to themselves – I think it’s right and fitting to dedicate these few lines and thoughts to all mothers. We remember especially all those who have recently lost a mother and may be feeling low at this time and ‘thinking of past Mother’s Day’s.

‘At first you know her simply as a mother

Somebody good at taking care of you,

At teaching and protecting and defending

And watching over everything you do.

At first you know her simply as a Mother

But something lovely happens through the years.

For every time she warms you with her kindness,

Every time she has a hand to lend,

You come to know her just a little better,

To know her as a person and a friend.’

WHEN – your mother has grown older

And you have grown older

WHEN – what was formerly easy and effortless now becomes a burden

WHEN –  her dear loyal eyes do not look out onto life anymore.

WHEN – her legs have grown tired and do not want to carry her,

THEN–give her your arm for support

Accompany her with gladness and joy.

The hour will come when weeping; you will accompany her on her last journey,

AND – if she continually asks you over and over again answer her not stormily, but gently.

AND – if she cannot understand everything well explain to her joyfully.

The hour will come, the bitter hour

When she will ask no more.

Then we have the old song of Bridie Gallagher’s which is very true.

“A Mothers love is a blessing

No matter where you roam,

Keep her while she’s living,

You’ll miss her when she’s gone,

Love her as in childhood,

Though feeble old and grey,

For you’ll never miss a mother’s love,

Till she’s buried beneath the CLAY.”

So the message is very simple especially all you young boys and girls out there to tend to your Mother’s ‘every need’ this weekend, breakfast in bed, all the housework done, cook the dinner and above all appreciate what she does for you the other 364 days of the year.

‘Happy Mother’s Day’ to all.


Micheál & Shane Ambrose, Dirreen, Athea, are taking part in the 6k Limerick Marathon on May 1st. They will be looking for sponsorship and all proceeds will go towards paying for the new Astro-turf pitch at Athea National School. Your support would be greatly appreciated.