Church Gate Collection

The annual Muintir na Tíre collection takes place at all Masses this weekend. Because we are affiliated to Muintir na Tíre, Athea Community Council get to retain all the money donated so we ask the people of the parish to continue to support the council as they have done over the years. We are continuing the townland signs at the moment , while the weather is fine, and tree planting will begin next week between the village and the G,A,A, field.

The weekly “Lucky Numbers” lotto continues and is lowering the debt on the footbridge at a steady rate. The results for last week are:

26/ 03/ ‘11

2, 3, 22, 28.    No Winner

Lucky Dips

€50        Ciara Noonan, NewcastleWest

€30        Maria Diffley, Shanagolden

€20        Pat & Maureen Mulvihill, Hillside Drv

Martin Noonan, NewcastleWest

Kieran Sheehy, Athea

Karen Enright, Upper Athea


Sellers Prizes: Ellen Quille  Lal Browne

Next Draw:  02/04/’11

Jackpot: € 6,500        Venue: White’s